Sunday, March 3, 2013

Breakdowns and Ultrasounds

Well, this last week have been somewhat crazy. Cassi has literally flipped out several times. For 2-3 days I could say nothing right, her claws were out and I got very irritable from getting yelled at constantly, which compounding the issues. I was to the point of losing it, and actually was thinking about taking a weekend off from her. You know, for sanity's sake. But she eventually calmed down and we were both sorry, though she cried a lot. I know some of this is the hormones from the pregnancy, but she's always had emotional issues. Her therapists did come and talk with her, which I think helped. She suggested a therapy pet. Yeah, right . . . Not happening with her Grandma in Grandma's house. I did try to feel her out about the idea and she got feisty mean. But we still went to the animal shelter nearby twice. We had a great time looking at cats and dogs. It was hard to listen to their crying though. The cats were all awesome and I think several of them would have made good therapy pets. But the dogs were harder to find ones with the requirements we needed, but we actually got to play with three separate dogs. One was too jumpy, but so cute. Another that wouldn't stop when he was running and run right into people. But the best, and I am not really into Boxers, was a Boxer! He was awesome! If I could have been able to take a dog home, it would have been perfect! He gets excited and all, but he doesn't really jump crazily. He tuckers out in about 5-10 minutes and then becomes nice and calm. He is house broken. Likes kids and has some obedience training. I felt bad we couldn't take him home since we had found the perfect dog. :-( But we also got good news! One of the cats that we had fallen in love with too - Henry - he got ADOPTED!!! :-) That was such awesome news! But Cassi took the fact that we couldn't take Stone (the Boxer) home in stride.

Cassi also had a third ultrasound done on February 26th. It was miraculous! Her Big Sister, Lenore, came with us and we got to see the baby move!! Her due date was confirmed with this ultrasound so we know that the baby is due September 24, 2013. Of course, we don't expect to have the baby on that date exactly, but it will be around there for sure! Lenore was sweet and got us a smoothie each - strawberry banana. But here is the ultrasounds:

But then she had another breakdown over her uncle telling her not to cuss because she's just 15 years old. Not that he can say much for himself in that department, but he is right that she shouldn't cuss so much. But she literally flipped out. I couldn't believe how crazy she got!! After he left (I was taking him to the trolley) I couldn't believe how far out of proportion this had blown. The she told Jason she was cutting and I kind of flipped out. I called her once I got in the driveway and told her to come out to the care was because I was going to take her to the hospital for an evaluation. She told me it was only a little cut like a scratch and that's all. So I told her, as much as I didn't want this, that she needed to start taking the medication. So she started that Friday night. I think in the long run this will be a good thing. Hopefully it won't take too long to start kicking in. But we'll see!

March 1st and 2nd I did A LOT of shopping! There seemed to be tons of things to get and pay - though not for the baby yet. Next month or May I'm going to get the bedding we want. But there were a lot of other things - bus passes, an outfit for me (I couldn't resisted this top and I wanted a pair of jeans finally!), had to get cat food, treats, rabbit treats, toilet paper, nose spray . . . all the usual stuff. But Cassi and Jordan needed shampoo and conditioner, Cassi needed some blackhead removers or some pads for acne. I did get a couple of movies. I also got a lot of Easter and St Patty's Day stuff and candy - stuff to go into the box for my soldier. What's cool is that he finally sent me a letter! I was so thrilled to get it since I hadn't heard from him. He also gave me his email address so I turned around and wrote him immediately! One day later, I got a response! He also cleared up the spelling of his last name. LOL! They signed him up misspelling it! It was nice to hear that he enjoyed the fact that as a family we are so close - I have shared a lot about what goes on around here. He got lots of letters over Christmas! Lots of goodies too! There is so much stuff I got and plus pay rent and put fuel money away - not that there was much left.

But so far we're doing okay at the moment. Cassi got to go out if the house last night and spend the night with a friend, which I think she desperately needed, and tomorrow she goes to school for the last two periods of the day. She might even go for lunch! To be honest, I'm lucky she does THAT at the moment. If I can, things will be different after she has the baby. Until then I look forward to summer when school is out.

Guess that's it for this edition. Another will follow soon!

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